Sunday, June 12, 2011

I don't even know what day it is, but here's my blog...

Can you tell I'm really tired and definitely haven't been in the mood to blog so far on this trip? I don't know why, I wasn't like this last year, but I just haven't felt up to it lately. It's Megan and my current joke about asking if I've blogged for the day yet or if I was ever going to. I told her I was just gunna put her blog link on here so you all could just read hers ;) but I know in the long run it's really nice to be able to go back and read past posts. Also I know there are people adopting from Chenzhou etc. reading this to hear about their kids and therefore I am sitting here and making myself try to remember what happened today so I can blog about it....hmph

So this morning we went to breakfast as a team to our usual place on the 3rd floor of our hotel. I must say the whole waking up at 6AM thing is getting pretty old, even if it is 6PM at home! Anywhoo, breakfast was delicious, as usual. After breakfast we took all of our donations that we have for the orphanage and brought them downstairs for the director to drive over to the orphanage for us. (There were about 5 big suitcases full.) This morning we were only allowed to visit the orphanage for half of the day so we visited the older kids all morning. We had a ton of crafts and toys for them to play with since we haven't seen them much so we were quickly switching from task to task to get as much done as possible.

The first thing we did with the kids was play with play-doh. The nannies were kind of hesitant at first because they were scared we were going to eat it, but after we reassured them it was safe to eat (I ate it and I turned out just fine;)) they were fine with it. The kids really liked to roll it into as many little balls as possible and then mix all of the colors. So after about 5 minutes with that we were onto the next activity. Tammy had made little picture frames from popsicle sticks and we brought foam stickers so they could decorate them. Earlier in the week Tammy had taken pictures of all of the kids and then got them developed so they would be able to have a picture of themselves in a nice frame. After that was done we started doing face painting for the kids..later they started painting us...and letting them decorate white crowns with markers for them to wear. It was so sweet, one of the little boys (he's about 6 and only has one eye, has down syndrome, and his left arm doesn't work properly) started parading around the room like a king once we put his crown on for him. :) After that was all said and done we took the kids outside to blow bubbles, draw with sidewalk chalk, jump rope, play hopscotch, and have a parade with instruments & balloons. Most of the kids really enjoyed the bubbles and jump ropes, but they were a little hesitant on the side walk chalk at first. I think they all liked the parade though... maybe even a little too much. The whistles and jingle instruments got really loud really fast! haha. Before we went back inside we got to get a group picture of all of the older kids so that was really cool, and then we went inside to do balloon animals and trace their hands for our personal shirts. That's when things went haywire and they started getting outta control.. but we still decided to give them candy?? :) Whatever, they enjoyed it, and we enjoyed spending time with them!

We left the orphanage at 11 and came back to the hotel to rest until the orphanage director came and picked us all up for lunch and shopping. We got to go to McDonalds and I had chicken nuggets, fries, and an oreo mcflurry (yum). After lunch we all went into the nice part of Chenzhou that none of us knew even existed and went shopping for jade jewelry, pearls, silk embroidery (Hunan is famous for their embroidery & it was absolutely amazing to say the least), and an air conditioner and computer for the orphanage as our donation to them.

For dinner we went across the street again to a historic restaurant in Hunan that is known for their dumplings. It was really good, but I was just too tired to eat a lot so I just had steamed bread, pork, and some dumplings. I'm now sitting here FINALLY typing this blog after procrastinating all day during my free time and in about 30 minutes we're meeting in Shannon's room for our devotion time.

Tomorrow is our last day in the orphanage, so we'll probably spend the morning with the babies and then in the afternoon we're throwing a little party and getting a cake and everything so that should be fun! And on Tuesday we leave Chenzhou for Beijing! I promise I'll blog tomorrow, it'll probably just be posted late at night.. or morning for all of you! Talk to you all soon, xoxo

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