Friday, July 9, 2010

Here at Last...

We made it!! We landed in Beijing at 10:30 on Thursday night and then headed to our hotel for the night and got about 3-4 hours of sleep. The next morning we had to get up at 5 and be on our plane to Changsha by 8:30. By the way, I must say the Chinese must LOVE yogurt! haha, we have already been served 3 cartons of it! Anyways, back on topic, after our 2 hour plane ride we got into the bus and started driving to Chen Zhou. About 2 hours into the drive we stopped at the service station to have lunch at a small restaurant. We feel like rockstars here, everyone comes up to us and asks for pictures, and of course they do the signature peace sign =) For lunch we got rice noodles with beef and tea. All of the people in the restaurant stared at us and watched us try to attempt to use our chopsticks, it was quite funny. After lunch we jumped back on our bus and started the 2 & 1/2 hour drive to Chen Zhou. We are finally here in our hotel and figured out how to get internet, even though pretty much none of the employees here speak English :\ The orphanage director met us at our hotel today so we got to meet her and found out that we get to go to the orphanage tomorrow from 9:00-11:30 & then 3-5. We are all very excited and can't wait to see what is in store for us! 

Ahhh! I'm trying to type this and can't even here myself think (so, sorry for the spelling/grammar errors, I'm running off of little sleep & lots of noise!). The people drive like mad men! haha They don't even have lanes (well, they don't follow them) and they drive on whatever side of the street they want, even if another car/bike/person is coming. So all I here right now is horns, horns, horns!!! (I'll try to put up a video later of them driving)

    Well, we are about to go to dinner, I'll try to blog tomorrow night, or maybe the next morning depending on how I feel. 

P.S. I don't know if I will be able to put up pictures since the internet is pretty slow... Also, my website is not letting me update my blog so I will just do it here from my email. And if someone could comment on this saying you saw it, or send me a message on Facebook that would be greatly appreciated! Goodnight, or good morning to everyone in the states!! =)


  1. Hello Elyssa,
    Yes, I am in the states and I see this! I am anxiously watching this blog because Susan Matthews has an album of updates of Chenzhou babies/kids and I sent her some pictures of my son Owen to share with the nannies there. We adopted him last June 1, 2009. My blog is and if you have absolutely nothing to do you can peek at it and see Owen. :) In fact, his nannies are on there on my post from Feb. 14 of this year...maybe you can peek at it and you'll recognize them. Owen is the sweetest baby boy on the planet. God bless you for doing what you are'll never be so tired as you are these first few days. I'll be praying for you all.


  2. I forgot to mention, I looked at your blog (so sorry you can't post! We couldn't when we were in China last summer, either!) Anyway, the video of Chenzhou that you posted has Owen in it. I saw it just before we traveled and couldn't believe it! First time I saw him with hair! He's one of the babies in a crib with a purple sweater. I can't watch that video without crying. :)
